Welcome. I’m Mandy, and I am grateful you have found your way here.
My mission is to support seekers, especially those seeking healing, inner peace, joyfulness, balance, and your life’s path.
I understand the impact family and cultural influences and expectations can have on our lives. I know firsthand the toll that self-denial and traumatic experiences can take on our well-being. Through my journey of healing and self-discovery, I realized that my life's purpose was not solely determined by external factors, but rather by my internal beliefs and desires.
By embracing new awarenesses I connected with the parts of myself that had been protecting and shielding. I learned to love and accept those parts and integrate many of them. As I healed the traumas and deep losses I felt myself move towards the path I was destined to follow.
Now with my Master's Certification in The Adult Chair® coaching model, I am solidifying my place in this world and my true path. I have unending joy, peace, and freedom to be me. The energy gifts I have been blessed with now help me serve others on their healing path.
I’m ready to find my life’s purpose and start living a healthy, passionate and purpose-filled life!
“I met Mandy a couple of years ago through a mutual friend. The day I met her, I knew right away that I had a friend for life. Through life’s difficult challenges, she’s allowed these experiences to help her develop compassion, and it’s given her special insight that is unique and beneficial to her and others she comes in contact with. I was going through a difficult time in my relationship last summer and Mandy was able to help me by sharing some things she’s learned through her experiences. She was able to see things from another perspective and shared with me what has helped her and also believed could help me. I appreciate Mandy and her ability to listen and at the same time validate how I feel with no judgment, and also if prompted, to share her insight, with possible solutions.”
M Troyana
“The fears we don’t face become our limits.”
-Robin Sharma